Danny Le

Danny Le: #3351 of 16996
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Strike Fightwear Roots 2.0 Gi

I'm 5'5" and 130 lbs... kind afraid that the fight would be too baggy on me. Can anyone who owns this or knows someone who owns it in an A1 chime in on how it might fit? The Hoth Size chart that Bryan provided says I'm in the low end of the range for both height and weight (but size charts are often wrong or encompasses too large of a range) so if you know anyone who is around my build and fits well in this let me know please! Thanks :D  
4/30/2013 12:35:22 AM
Pair of Brute Torq Kneepads

So this is what I get for training hard late into the night... missed out on the smalls :(  
4/23/2013 12:41:50 AM
Inverted Gear White Panda Jiu Jitsu Gi

Damn these are going fast! I've been checking the site religiously at refresh time on the dot for the past few weeks and the one day I was busy I missed my size! Have the blue but need another gi and it would have been awesome to snag this white one.  
4/11/2013 11:54:18 PM
1 Comment
Ground Game Samurai Shadow Shorts

Ughhhh, I hate being a size 28 waist!! Even though this has the elastic waistband I feel like it'd still slip a bit since it doesnt also have drawstrings.  
3/8/2013 12:21:25 AM
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Blue Tatami Nova Gi with Free White Belt

It was on here not too long ago (January 17th) so I'm not sure if it would appear again so fast. I just had to pay the full price for it, they're running a special this month for $15 off an order though so that's not too different from the price for the white gi (it was on here for $105 shipped, it's on there currently for $115 shipped after the code).
3/18/2013 1:38:09 AM
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Meerkatsu 8th Day T-shirt

Craaaaaap, why must I be poor at the moment!!!!
3/19/2013 11:00:42 PM
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Inverted Gear White Panda Jiu Jitsu Gi

Screw it, grabbed a white one just because I'm only 1" taller than the chart. Too good of a deal to pass up. Probably gonna have to sag the pants just a tad.
4/12/2013 12:40:48 AM
Comment on:
Strike Fightwear Roots 2.0 Gi

If you are that tall and thin you should really look into the L/S (long/slim) sizes. Not all gi companies do it but for the ones that do I definitely think you would like the fit a lot more. If you are set on getting this one, however, I would say A2 based on the other gis by this company. I have never heard of someone 6 ft tall wearing an A1 in any brand. Better to have a baggier gi that actually fits you lengthwise than high water pants and sleeves that barely pass your elbow.
4/30/2013 12:40:40 AM
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